Water has near infinite uses and because of this, it’s imperative that we do our part in using it wisely and making it last. Even just around our home, we can do little things to help this cause and also to lower our utility bills. The kitchen is one place where a lot of water is being used – hence, saving water in the kitchen can have a lot of impact on our overall consumption. The following are some techniques that should help you cut down on waste:
Use Sink Faucets Wisely
This is a no-brainer but it is easier said than done. Whenever you need hot water, there is usually a short wait for the water flowing out of the tap to get to the right temperature. If you just let it flow, you’re wasting a lot over the course of a year. Instead, use a bowl or basin to catch this flowing cold water. It is basically fresh and unused, just the wrong temperature. You can use it for other things.
When you need cold water, just place hot or lukewarm water in clean, covered containers and let them cool. If you really want them icy, place the containers in the refrigerator. There’s really no sense in letting the tap run just to get to the right temperature.
Aerators make the water running out of your tap more useful than without one running at full blast. You save water this way because you do the same jobs with much less. Installing pipe insulations is also a great way of saving water and electricity.
Break the habit of thawing out meats at the last minute. More often than not, if you’re in a rush you will use running water to hasten the process. Instead, plan your meals ahead of time and just let frozen meats thaw out on the counter.
Again, change your water consumption habits gradually. You have to make a conscious effort at first, but with enough practice, you will get to a point wherein you do it naturally. You can catch water that you used to rinse vegetables and reuse it for watering plants around the house. You can wash your garage floor with the soapy water left over from hand washing dishes or delicate clothes. There are lots of kitchen ideas like this where you stand to save a lot.
Ease Up on the Dishwasher
When buying one, make sure to consult consumer reports as well as official ratings on water consumption. Nowadays, manufacturers try to compete based on how economical their offerings are to run. Make sure that you factor in the running cost of keeping your dishwasher for several years.
Wait for a full load before running it. When all you have are some used tumblers and several plates, it’s better to just wash them by hand and reserve the dirty work for your dishwasher.
Garbage disposal units use a lot of water to get rid of solid food wastes. Instead of going this route, consider greener alternatives. You can make a compost pit if you have a garden and enjoy the benefit of free organic fertilizer.
Stop Leaks ASAP
Even the smallest leak can add up over the course of a year. Deal with a faulty tap as soon as you notice them and every couple of years or so, have a professional test the whole plumbing system for hidden problems that are costing you money.
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